Jeremy Walter, MBA

Fractional Integrator

Middletown, DE | KOLBE: 7-2-7-4| Running on EOS® since 2021

Industry experience in: Marketing/Media Buying, Family-Owned Business, Manufacturing, Accounting/Finance Consulting, Automotive, Wealth Management, Therapy Practice

About Jeremy:

Hi, I’m Jeremy. I’m a husband to my beautiful wife Michelle, and a father to our wonderful daughter Rilynn. Being a new father, I really find joy in watching the curiosity Rilynn goes through as she learns new things about life every day. I also love to explore new cities, especially through the culinary cuisine that each place has to offer. Since graduating college I’ve lived in several different parts of the country. Before settling down into the business world, I spent a year living in Austin, TX touring in a band as a drummer. So, music is engrained in my soul, and I’ve seen over 100+ bands live over the years.

My career has always put me in an Operational Leadership role. I love figuring out the right quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (people) mix that helps any business go from ordinary to extraordinary. Then I found EOS, which has become the glue bringing my personal and professional life together. It helped me realize the need to be intentional in the choices I make and live a more purpose driven life. Not only did I help a company grow rapidly with EOS tools, but I also watched it take my parents’ business from one that needed their attention constantly, to one where they can regularly go to their beach house nine hours away. I’m a firm believer that the only constant in life is change, and my favorite quote is, “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change,” by Wayne Dyer. I’ve always wanted to change the world, and now I use EOS to help change the world around me through helping business owners find happiness and success in their personal and professional lives.

Listen in as I introduce myself and my favorite EOS tool!


“Jeremy has a straightforward yet gentle approach, he knows business inside and out, and — very importantly — he contributes to our culture seamlessly. He understands leaders and knows when we need him to shift gears to get us unstuck, or when to stay the course to make sure we give our ideas a fair chance. Both of these inspire confidence and trust. I would recommend Jeremy to my favorite colleagues.”
— Sara Stanizai LMFT, Therapist and Practice Owner, Prospect Therapy
Looking to take your business to the next level? Jeremy’s the enthusiastic, creative, and experienced partner you need. His innovative approach blasts through roadblocks, while his analytical nature develops clear roadmaps to achieve vision and accelerate progress. Jeremy turns concepts into strategies, rallying teams with his passion. If you seek transformative growth, let his strengths in persuasion, implementation and strategic thinking drive momentum. With Jeremy’s help, you’ll envision the future and gain traction to reach your goals.
— Mark Harvey, M.D. - President, Marlin Capital Management and Harvey Family Foundation
Jeremy is patient, self-aware and conscious of what it means to move at the right pace to grow a sustainable business.
— Jessica R. | Visionary

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