Lynsey Peterson

Fractional Integrator

Charlotte, North Carolina | KOLBE: 8-7-3-3 | Running on EOS® since 2018

Industry experience in: Education & EdTech, Professional Services, Instructional Design, Print & Digital Publishing, Government & Nonprofits, Environmental & Biological Sciences

About Lynsey:

Hi there, I’m Lynsey! My husband and I are parents to two teenagers who are growing up rapidly. We are lifelong southerners and animal lovers with a big crew of companions. I am a foodie who loves to bake and watch cooking shows. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, exploring nature, and traveling to exotic destinations. I relax with yoga and meditation, and I especially love to read books outside in my hammock.

I began my professional career in ecological research and as a high school science teacher. After my kids were born, I became a freelance writer and editor before joining an educational content development firm. When my company discovered EOS, I joined as our Head of Operations and later I took on the role of Integrator. I loved the focus that EOS brought to our business and how all of the resources align with learning and management best practices. 

As an Integrator, I love to capture issues, dig down to understand their root causes, and craft plans that solve them forever. I can clearly see the many connections within organizational operations and develop focused change management plans that coherently impact every facet of the business. I transition easily between big picture ideation and ensuring specific tasks and projects are completed successfully. I love working with individuals and teams to create and execute clear company visions, promote psychological safety, and foster a healthy team culture of learning and accountability. 

Listen in as I introduce myself and my favorite EOS tool!

I’ve worked with Lynsey in a variety of capacities over the past 10 years, most recently with her as my supervisor and leader of our executive team as CEO. Lynsey has excellent leadership skills as she empowers her team, listens deeply and actively, is always learning, and role models the behavior she looks to cultivate in our company. It’s a joy and honor to work with her.
— Pauline Valvo, VP of Business Development at A Pass Eduational Group

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